
Reading Results

I've finished both the book on the hip-hop generation and the one on home educating. While I definitely recommend the Boyer book to those who are interested in a bit of background philosophy and a few tips on home education (he dislikes the term "homeschool"), I'd recommend the hip-hop book only with a couple grains of salt. The facts are interesting, but the interpretation is decidedly liberal. There is, of course, some truth what she says; there is always a bit of truth on both sides of the fence. Personally, I think it was worth reading to see the dilemma facing young black Americans as many of them see it.


Naomi Joy said...

Allright, a POST! I've only checked about 12 hundred billion times today. :-)

It looks like you need a "recently read, recommended with reservations" column.

Hmm...I'm thinking that almost everything I read, I would recommend. I'm wondering if that means I'm not broad enough in my selection

@lici@ said...

Perhaps it means you are more selective in your reading choices, and thus do not waste time on undesirables.